goat school project 2017
our purpose
To provide feasible opportunities of income through a sustainable trade, working with 20 families in Victoria, El Salvador. While building a community that is centered around the principles and values of Christ that is the bases of our work.
our hope
Through the success from our students, each goat business will contribute goats back into the school to reinvest in new families entering into the program. This will open opportunity to build a network of goat product and replicate the same model of teaching self sustainable goat culture within other communities.
participation process
The participants in this project are families that, besides having the need due to their socio-economic conditions, have shown interest in improving their family income through the responsible handling of goat modules and have participated with perseverance, responsibility, respect and a proactive attitude in other activities.
spiritual and unity aspect
During the weekly technical activity, a devotional is held with the group of farmers, in order to underlie the principles and values of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ as the basis of our work
To guarantee the sustainability of the project, the associativity among farmers in small formal groups is being promoted and encouraged. This will open doors to major markets. Having prepared and tagged products, as well as legal billing, will grant them access to other forms of commercialization.
The project will be implemented in a 10 month period, during which time families will complete their training process, build their goat farms, receive 4-5 goats to begin their goat business. This will give them a jump start towards success. After this phase, families will stay connected to an association of Cabañas goat farmers (a project in process), so that once the reproductive cycle is completed they will contribute goats to the school to participate in the preparation of new family goat farms.The connection with the Goat School Farm will be kept active through the permanent innovation promoted by the School and through the pastoral care of the families through the different attention areas of the school.
description of education for sustainability
- Training and provision of roof and floorboard materials for 20 family goat farms.
- Provision of seed stock, in kind (goats), for the establishment of their farm.
- Technical accompaniment for the establishment and handling of the productive family unit
- Consolidation of the Association of Cabañas Goat Farmers
Enhancement of the project’s sustainability actions.
- Families trained and ready to initiate family farms, 20 new family farm modules established.
- Broodstock (goats) handed to the families. Goat rearing modules (20) established and operating.
The new modules established according to instructions and technical criteria.
Legalized accounting books, associations established and operating. Management of farmers’ association product commercialization has been enhanced.
a) The productive and business capacity of the goat farms has been extended.
b) There’s a dynamic, healthy and self-sustained growth of the Goat School Farm.
c) The goat farmers contribute seed stock to reinvest in new family modules.